Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Ultimate Great Escape!

I love this story. This made my day. These are the kinds of things that make me giggle! (Thank you Kathy for sharing this with me. Next to the pink sharpie, this is my favorite thing ever...hahaha!!)

So, here's a headline in Newsday today - from the international news. Giraffe Helps Zebras, Camels Escape from Circus. Clearly, you can click the link for the full story but I MUST paste the first paragraph here. It continues to provide me with endless amusement. Yay Geoffrey!

"AMSTERDAM, Netherlands - Amsterdam police say 15 camels, two zebras and an undetermined number of llamas and potbellied swine briefly escaped from a traveling Dutch circus after a giraffe kicked a hole in their cage."

Seriously. How awesome is that? I'm not going to get all philosophical here but the metaphoric options are endless. I can think of many times where I wish I had a ballsy giraffe to kick a hole in my cage. I'd run around and frolic with the zebras and the pot bellied swine, never regretting a second of it. True dat, yo!


Kat said...

This was definitely our laugh for the week! It might even beat out the "ice" tard at Boston Market. Love the pic of Geoffrey!!

~melissa said...

Ah yes.... the Ice-tard. Did you know he is my new superhero. Frosting diet cokes across the world, one cup at a time.

Ok. So the zoo story is my 3rd favorite thing after the pink sharpie and the spewing ice fountain.

good times :o)

jdbauer said...

That's incredible. I can't wait for the movie version. Maybe Clint Eastwood will play the giraffe!

~melissa said...

I think Bruce Willis.

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